One lucky man

A very happy Mormon husband that loves his wife and children!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Another good day

Amber just got back from her doctor's appointment for her follow-up on surgery and everything looks good! She has started her new food I get more fruit! Well I have a question for all you peeps out there: what was your favorite pet and why? I have to say that my rabbit Honey is the best so far, she makes me relax and slow down....which is a good thing....I think. My daughter Natalie said the funniest thing - "Well butter my back and call me a buscit"....I can't get enough of that! Good times.


  • At 6:48 PM , Blogger Meg said...

    That's cute..."Butter my back and call me a biscuit"...where'd she get that one? I think I'll have to find a way to work that into all my conversations from now on. :)

    Bunnies are the best! (and Blue foxes rule!)

  • At 8:37 PM , Blogger Amber said...

    I definitely think it's great that Honey gets you to slow down and relax, Chaderine. It's hard to hug you when you're zipping by. I think my favorite pet ever had to have been our dog Cassie. She was the best! She would put up with anything and she was so protective of us. Very much a sweetie. Like you!

    P.S. Blue Foxes Rule!

  • At 9:15 PM , Blogger Meg said...

    Cassie was the best! I tell all the bunny people about her too. Did I tell you that when I was trying to decide whether to bring T home, I had a dream about Cassie. I hadn't had one about her in years and haven't had one since. I think because Cassie had one ear up and one ear down and so does T, that it was Cassie telling me that T should come and live with me.


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