One lucky man

A very happy Mormon husband that loves his wife and children!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

March 11th

Just getting ready for church and wanted to do a quick update. Amber is doing well, her hands are really chapped from the cold weather we have been having. We got to go to the Dallas Temple last week and had a wonderful time. That was the first time we were without Kurt and the girls at the same time. We were kinda worried just because we had not been without all of them, but they were wonderful for Sister Cody and Amber and I had a very nice time.

Emma can now count to 100!!! She needs a little help when she gets to the twenty, thirty, etc but she knows her numbers! Novalee is so cute but a little menace. She knows her colors, for the most part and Amber taught her her shapes. Its cute to hear her say "red". She also calls Kurt "kut man". Kurt Logan knows rolls over!!!! He is such a big boy. He is 12 lbs and is a stinker. He is a night owl......but man is he cute!

We are walking together as a family, we are walking about a mile a day, at least we try to. Well, gotta go get Amber up for church. It is a beautiful day outside, I love mornings!!!!!


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