One lucky man

A very happy Mormon husband that loves his wife and children!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A busy week, shots and a possible trip to Houston

As Megan has said, yep, I am bad. It's been a busy week for us Ewell's. Amber and the girls are a little out of it with the flu (hopefully they have gone through the worst of it). Amber and I got some down time together and went to the Dallas Temple on Tuesday (date night!). She has lost five pounds already on her diet!!!!! I am so proud of her. On Friday I had to go to Fort Worth and update my medical record....ouch. Four shots = sore arm. I got to pick up the other kiddos and on Saturday we particpated as the "Ewell Players" in a church activity.

We were given council to read the Book of Mormon and on Saturday we could volunteer to do a play or tell others what we have learned. Emma got a book for her birthday and we got to act it out. Amber was the MC and Novalee and Ian kind of were on the sidelines, but the play went well and the kids had a blast. They got cookies afterwards so you know Novalee and Emma were happy! Church was nice (I had to teach so I was kind of nervous, but it went okay).

Now as for the Honey Bunny, well she chewed up the keyboard, mouse, microphone and speaker cords....grumble grumble. But she is so cute....I even got her some yogurt snacks as I got a new keyboard....don't ask me why. Okay one more thing....Natalie is in the 8th grade and in her history class they talked about the Mormon trail and the teacher asked if anyone was a Mormon. Well Natalie raised her hand and some of the kids were asking her some off the wall questions but she answered them well and made me very proud!

Well we might be going to Houston for a leadership course I need for E-8 in the middle of February, I should find out this week if I will be going. Of course my beautiful wife and kiddos will be coming along....just don't think it will be as nice as Pensacola. Well I PROMISE to keep up my blog better than I have. Oh, one more thing....GO STEELERS!


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