One lucky man

A very happy Mormon husband that loves his wife and children!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Baby on the way!!!!!!

It has been a rough couple of weeks for the Ewell family. We were in Houston for a few weeks for Navy leadership training, which went very....very....very slow. Near the middle of the trip Amber started feeling sick....and next thing we know we are going to have another baby! I am very excited and Amber is also. This is such a blessing, I tend to look at Emma and Novalee a little closer now, they are growing up so quickly. I got to talk to Natalie, Violet and Ian today and it humbles me to know that I have such wonderful children, and such a huge blessing of being a father. All of my children are so special, so unique and such a joy. Amber is quite sick, but as always she amazes me by all that she does for us! What a wonderful wife!

It's funny because most of the people I tell of this good news say "Congrats" but there are a few that are like..."you want another one???" If they only knew how wonderful a good wife is and loving children...our Heavnly Father truly knew what He was doing by making it possible to have families and children, it truly is a miracle. Right now our little one is growing his or her fingers and the lower adbomen is growing just 4 or 5 weeks. Amazing. The first heart beat of our little one landed on our Sealing anniversary (February 26th).

A big "shout out" to my awesome sister-in-law Megan for taking such great care of our Honey Bunny and doing such a wonderful job with her! Thank you, you really are a great sister! Well its off to clean up, I just hope we all get a chance to sit back and dwell upon all the wonders that surround us, and how we are all truly blessed!!!!!


  • At 7:22 PM , Blogger Meg said...

    You two can have all the kids you want...I'll even give you all my kid allowances so I don't have to have any! ;) I do love being an aunt... :)


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