One lucky man

A very happy Mormon husband that loves his wife and children!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Chillin' in VA

Amber and Barb went shopping, the kids are sleeping and Grandpa Bill is at work, so I have a few moments to update my blog. We arrived in Newport News last week and will leave out this Wednesday back to Dallas. I got to see my little brothers Jeremy and Joshua, got to go to Bush Gardens for the first time, visit some of Amber's old friends and go to the Jefferson Ward building (where Amber and I were married). It has been real fun, but really busy. Jeremy has a beautiful house and Marlo and Tristan are doing good. He has such a wonderful family and he hooked me up with a bunch of GI Joe's that he has collected (thanks bro!). Joshua gave us a tour of the West Wing and the building that he works in. Novalee left cookie crumbs all over the West Wing and Emma had an accident (in the bathroom) in the federal building. Yep, they are leaving their mark all over DC. So Josh might be fired any day now.....sorry bro!!! Bush Gardens was great, a really really fun time. Emma and Novalee had a blast (but Amber didnt get to ride any of the fun rides due to the growing little one). Ambers parents have been so kind and generous, more than kind! We miss Honey but Megan tells us that she is doing good, so that is good news. Well I am off to get the kiddos!!


  • At 7:22 AM , Blogger Meg said...

    Where are the pictures? I want to see some pictures...:{


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