One lucky man

A very happy Mormon husband that loves his wife and children!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Any day now....

Amber will be giving birth anytime now to our son Kurt Logan William Ewell! The induction date is the 17th of October, but hopefully he will want to come sooner. Amber and I have gone through a REALLY tough trial lately, but I love that I can count on her and it is so nice to be able to trust someone. We were able to do alot of praying and our Heavenly Father has blessed us so much.

We are excited to have another little one in our home. Amber is pretty worn down and getting really tired. She is awesome though, any woman that is willing to have more than one child has all my respect. Emma and Novalee are doing good and are getting excited for their little brother to come. Novalee's birthday (she turned two on the 5th of October) went really well. She got a bunch of Backyardagin's stuff and she loves it. Amber made her a beautiful birthday dress.

Well that is all for now!


  • At 2:48 PM , Blogger Meg said...

    I like your new blog template! Tell Amber that she need to post something new on her blog, too. You know, you have a pattern going...two girls, then a boy, two girls, then a boy. Is this the last baby or are there more bouncing on the horizon?


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